Khamis, 9 Disember 2010

syiah itu agama sesat?

ade satu pagi tuh..aku borak dgn sorg roomate aku Merhzad..dari Iran..dia ni syiah..

"U don't celebrate Muharram?"
aku tanye
"No.." sambil tersenyum dia menjawab..cantik..


"We actually mournig for one of our imam.Hassan.He was killed on 10th of the Muharram, so we don't have fun, we don't hear music, we wear blacks in the first 10 days"

"o..i didn't know that" Agak segan dgn ilmu aku yg terlalu sedikit

"what do u think of Syiah?" dgn tiba2 soklan tu diajukan
aduh mampus!
"i never give a thought about it" berkerut2 aku cuba spekang menerangkan

"Its good you know.." mukanya berseri2

"people always said that we are not islam, our concept of islam is way too extreme, they thought we said Ali is the prophet. That's not true u know"

aku terkejut, sbb ape yg kau belajar dlm kelas agama sebelum ni cmtuh tapi nak kate yg dorg ni sesat aku tak berani sbb akidah kita kan sama..

"we still believe Allah is God, and Muhammad is a prophet..we never argue about it..people who believe that Ali is supposed to take Muhammad's place as a prophet is not syiah"


hanya Allah sahaja yang berhak menghukum siapa yg kafir dan siapa yg tidak..

walaupun fahaman agama yg berlainan kita tetap muslim, Tuhan kita tetap Allah..

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